Compile pfsense Source Code from GitHub to EXE: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Compile pfsense Source Code from GitHub to EXE: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of relying on pre-compiled binaries for your pfSense router? Do you want to customize and optimize your firewall to its fullest potential? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you through the process of compiling the pfSense source code from GitHub to a standalone executable file. Buckle up, as we dive into the world of compiler magic!

Why Compile from Source?

Before we begin, let’s discuss the benefits of compiling pfSense from source code:

  • Customization**: By compiling from source, you can modify the code to suit your specific needs, adding or removing features as desired.
  • Optimization**: Compiling from source allows you to take advantage of performance optimizations tailored to your hardware, resulting in faster and more efficient router performance.
  • Security**: Compiling from source provides an additional layer of security, as you have complete control over the build process and can ensure the inclusion of specific security patches.
  • Flexibility**: With the compiled executable, you can deploy pfSense on a variety of platforms, including custom hardware or virtual machines.


Before we start, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Git**: For fetching the pfSense source code from GitHub.
  • C compiler**: A C compiler, such as GCC, is required for compiling the source code.
  • Make**: The make utility is necessary for building the pfSense executable.
  • FreeBSD**: You’ll need a FreeBSD environment, either installed on a physical machine or virtualized using a tool like VirtualBox.

Step 1: Fetch the pfSense Source Code

Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to store the pfSense source code. Run the following command to fetch the latest code from GitHub:

git clone

This will download the entire pfSense repository, including the source code, to your local machine.

Step 2: Configure the Build Environment

Switch to the pfSense source code directory and create a new file named with the following contents:

export BSDSRCDIR=/usr/src
export BSDOBJDIR=/usr/obj
export MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/usr/obj
export MAKEVERBOSE=yes
export HAVE_PF=yes
export HAVE_IPFW=yes
export HAVE_OPENSSL=yes
export HAVE_ZLIB=yes
export HAVE_LZO=yes
export HAVE_BZIP2=yes
export HAVE_GZIP=yes

This file sets up the build environment, defining essential variables and dependencies required for the compilation process.

Step 3: Build the pfSense Executable

Now, it’s time to build the pfSense executable. Run the following command in the terminal:

make -C /usr/src/conf buildworld

This command initiates the build process, which may take several hours depending on your system’s hardware and the complexity of the build. Be patient and let the magic unfold!

Step 4: Create the pfSense Installer

Once the build process completes, create the pfSense installer by running:

make -C /usr/src/release buildiso

This command generates a bootable ISO image containing the compiled pfSense executable.

Step 5: Create a Bootable Media

Burn the generated ISO image to a CD/DVD or create a bootable USB drive using a tool like Rufus (for Windows) or Etcher (for macOS/Linux).

Step 6: Boot and Install pfSense

Insert the bootable media, restart your system, and select the pfSense installer from the boot menu. Follow the installation prompts to install pfSense on your target hardware.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

If you encounter any errors during the compilation process, refer to the pfSense documentation and GitHub issues for troubleshooting tips and solutions. Some common issues include:

  • Dependency issues**: Ensure all required dependencies are installed and up-to-date.
  • Compiler errors**: Check the compiler version and compatibility with the pfSense source code.
  • Build failures**: Review the build logs for any errors or warnings, and adjust the build configuration accordingly.


Compiling pfSense from source code may seem daunting, but with these step-by-step instructions, you should be able to create a customized, optimized, and secure router executable. Pat yourself on the back, as you’ve taken the first step towards unlocking the full potential of your pfSense router!

Additional Resources

For further information and guidance, refer to the following resources:

  • pfSense documentation**: The official pfSense documentation provides in-depth guides and tutorials on customizing and optimizing your router.
  • pfSense GitHub issues**: Browse the pfSense GitHub issues tracker for solutions to common problems and feature requests.
  • FreeBSD documentation**: The FreeBSD documentation provides extensive information on compiling and customizing the FreeBSD operating system.
GCC 9.2
Clang 10.0

Note: The compiler versions mentioned above are examples and may vary depending on your system configuration and the pfSense version you’re compiling.

By following this guide, you’ve successfully compiled the pfSense source code from GitHub to a standalone executable file. Now, go forth and unleash the power of your customized pfSense router!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you ready to dive into the world of pfsense and unleash your inner developer?

Q1: Why do I need to compile pfsense source code from GitHub?

Compiling pfsense source code from GitHub gives you the flexibility to customize and optimize pfsense according to your specific needs. You can modify the code, add new features, or fix bugs, and then compile it to create a custom executable file.

Q2: What are the prerequisites for compiling pfsense source code?

To compile pfsense source code, you’ll need a Linux-based system with a compatible compiler (e.g., GCC), necessary development tools (e.g., make, cmake), and a supported FreeBSD version (e.g., 12.2-RELEASE). You’ll also need to clone the pfsense repository from GitHub.

Q3: How do I clone the pfsense repository from GitHub?

To clone the pfsense repository, open a terminal and run the command `git clone`. This will download the entire pfsense repository to a local directory on your system.

Q4: What are the steps to compile pfsense source code?

After cloning the repository, navigate to the `src` directory and run the command `./`. This will start the compilation process. The script will configure the build environment, compile the code, and create an executable file.

Q5: Can I use the compiled executable file on any system?

The compiled executable file is specific to the system architecture and FreeBSD version used for compilation. You can only use the compiled executable file on systems with the same architecture and FreeBSD version. If you want to use the custom pfsense on a different system, you’ll need to recompile the source code on that system.

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