Mastering NextJS, Zod, and React Hook Form: Controlled and Uncontrolled Components
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Mastering NextJS, Zod, and React Hook Form: Controlled and Uncontrolled Components

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Welcome to the world of building robust and scalable applications with NextJS, Zod, and React Hook Form! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the realm of controlled and uncontrolled components, exploring their differences, use cases, and implementation with these powerful tools.

What are Controlled and Uncontrolled Components?

In React, components can be broadly classified into two categories: controlled and uncontrolled. Understanding the distinction between these two types is crucial for building efficient and maintainable applications.

Controlled Components

A controlled component is a form component whose value is managed by the state of the parent component. In other words, the parent component controls the value of the form component, and any changes to the value are reflected in the parent component’s state.

Think of it like a two-way data binding, where the parent component is the single source of truth for the form component’s value. This approach ensures that the form component’s value is always synchronized with the parent component’s state.

Uncontrolled Components

An uncontrolled component, on the other hand, is a form component whose value is not managed by the state of the parent component. Instead, the form component maintains its own internal state, and changes to the value are not automatically reflected in the parent component’s state.

Uncontrolled components are often used when you want to allow users to interact with a form component without affecting the parent component’s state until a specific event occurs, such as form submission.

Why Use Controlled Components with NextJS and React Hook Form?

NextJS and React Hook Form are designed to work seamlessly with controlled components. Here are some compelling reasons to use controlled components with these tools:

  • Easy state management**: With controlled components, you can easily manage the state of your form components using React Hook Form’s API.
  • Real-time validation**: Controlled components enable real-time validation using Zod, ensuring that your form data is validated as users interact with the form.
  • Improved performance**: By managing the state of form components in the parent component, you can optimize performance by reducing unnecessary re-renders.
  • Simplified debugging**: With controlled components, it’s easier to debug issues, as the state of the form component is neatly encapsulated within the parent component.

Implementing Controlled Components with NextJS, Zod, and React Hook Form

Let’s dive into a practical example of implementing controlled components using NextJS, Zod, and React Hook Form. We’ll create a simple form that accepts a user’s name and email address.

import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';
import { z } from 'zod';

const schema = z.object({
  name: z.string().min(2, 'Name must be at least 2 characters'),
  email: z.string().email('Invalid email address'),

const Form = () => {
  const { register, handleSubmit, errors } = useForm({
    mode: 'onBlur',
    resolver: zodResolver(schema),

  const onSubmit = async (data) => {
    // Handle form submission

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
        <input type="text" {...register('name')} />
        { && <div>{}</div>}

        <input type="email" {...register('email')} />
        { && <div>{}</div>}

      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In this example, we define a Zod schema that validates the `name` and `email` fields. We then use React Hook Form’s `useForm` hook to manage the state of the form component. The `register` function is used to register the `name` and `email` fields, and the `handleSubmit` function is used to handle form submission.

Uncontrolled Components with NextJS and React Hook Form

While controlled components are ideal for most use cases, there are scenarios where uncontrolled components are necessary. Here are some reasons to use uncontrolled components:

  • Legacy code integration**: When working with legacy code, uncontrolled components can help integrate with existing codebases.
  • Third-party library integration**: Some third-party libraries may require uncontrolled components to function correctly.
  • Performance optimization**: In rare cases, uncontrolled components can help optimize performance by reducing unnecessary re-renders.

Implementing Uncontrolled Components with NextJS and React Hook Form

Let’s explore an example of implementing uncontrolled components using NextJS and React Hook Form. We’ll create a simple form that accepts a user’s name and email address.

import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';

const Form = () => {
  const { handleSubmit } = useForm();

  const onSubmit = async (data) => {
    // Handle form submission

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
        <input type="text" ref={(input) => (this.nameInput = input)} />

        <input type="email" ref={(input) => (this.emailInput = input)} />

      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In this example, we don’t use the `register` function to manage the state of the form component. Instead, we use the `ref` prop to create a reference to the `name` and `email` inputs. This allows us to access the input values manually when the form is submitted.

Best Practices for Using Controlled and Uncontrolled Components

When working with controlled and uncontrolled components, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Use controlled components by default**: Controlled components are the norm, and you should use them unless you have a compelling reason to use uncontrolled components.
  2. Use uncontrolled components sparingly**: Uncontrolled components should be used only when necessary, such as when integrating with legacy code or third-party libraries.
  3. Document your components**: Clearly document which components are controlled and which are uncontrolled to avoid confusion.
  4. Test thoroughly**: Test your components extensively to ensure they work as expected, regardless of whether they’re controlled or uncontrolled.


Mastering controlled and uncontrolled components is crucial when building robust and scalable applications with NextJS, Zod, and React Hook Form. By understanding the differences between these two types of components and following best practices, you’ll be well-equipped to create efficient and maintainable applications.

Remember, controlled components are ideal for most use cases, while uncontrolled components can be useful in specific scenarios. By leveraging the strengths of each, you’ll be able to create applications that delight users and stand the test of time.

Type of Component Description Use Case
Controlled Component Value is managed by the state of the parent component Most forms, user input, and interactive elements
Uncontrolled Component Value is not managed by the state of the parent component Legacy code integration, third-party library integration, and performance optimization

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert in using controlled and uncontrolled components with NextJS, Zod, and React Hook Form. Happy coding!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “NextJS, Zod and React Hook Form – Controlled and Uncontrolled Components” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get your questions answered about NextJS, Zod, and React Hook Form – the ultimate trio for building robust and scalable applications!

What is the main difference between controlled and uncontrolled components in React Hook Form?

In React Hook Form, controlled components are those that have their values managed by the state, whereas uncontrolled components have their values managed by the DOM. Controlled components are like the diligent students who always report back to the teacher (state), whereas uncontrolled components are like the free spirits who do their own thing (DOM).

How does Zod validation work with React Hook Form?

Zod is a validation library that integrates seamlessly with React Hook Form. You define your validation schema using Zod’s API, and then pass it to React Hook Form’s `useForm` hook. The hook will then use the schema to validate your form data in real-time, providing instant feedback to your users. It’s like having a personal validation coach that keeps you on track!

Can I use NextJS with React Hook Form and Zod?

Absolutely! NextJS is a popular React framework that can be used with React Hook Form and Zod. In fact, the trio makes for a powerful combination that enables you to build fast, scalable, and robust applications with robust form validation and error handling. It’s like having a superhero team that saves the day!

What are the benefits of using controlled components in React Hook Form?

Using controlled components in React Hook Form offers several benefits, including easier form management, improved performance, and better accessibility. Controlled components also make it easier to implement complex form logic and validation rules. It’s like having a well-oiled machine that hums along smoothly!

How do I handle form submission errors with React Hook Form and Zod?

With React Hook Form and Zod, you can handle form submission errors by using the `error` object returned by the `useForm` hook. This object contains information about any validation errors that occurred during form submission. You can then use this information to display error messages to the user and provide a better user experience. It’s like having a safety net that catches any mistakes!